CNS Kaiyangxing or Mizar, China's new electronic reconnaissance ship has been added to its expanding fleet. The PLA now has 6 electronic reconnaissance vessels.
In 2016, the PLA Navy commissioned 18 ships, including missile destroyers, corvettes and guided missile frigates.
China has also said it is building a second aircraft carrier. China's only carrier is the second-hand, Soviet-built Liaoning.
CNS Kaiyangxing or Mizar, with hull code 856, was on Tuesday delivered to a combat support flotilla of the North Sea Fleet at the eastern port of Qingdao.
Capable of all-weather, round-the-clock reconnaissance on multiple and different targets, it is a sophisticated system.
China Is currently involved in a spat with its neighbours on SCS islands.
Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have claims on these islands.