Scientists have identified a defect in the ribosome, the protein factory of the cell in 20-40 per cent of the patients with multiple myeloma which is a type of leukaemia.
These patients have a poorer prognosis than patients with intact ribosomes, the scientists said.
In MM patients, one part of the ribosome is produced less in 20 to 40 per cent of the patients, depending on how aggressive the cancer is.
Cells are still producing protein, but that the balance is somewhat disrupted.
One possible treatment for MM is the use of proteasome inhibitors which is the protein demolition machine in a cell. How the defects in the ribosome influence the proteasome is not quite clear yet.
Tests can now be developed to identify defects in the ribosome and thus determine which therapy will have most effect in a specific patient.
Finding that cancer is related to ribosome defects is a relatively new concept in science.
What is Multiple Myeloma?- MM is also called Kahler’s disease.
- It is a type of Blood cancer in which bone marrow cells start increasing rapidly. It is common among older people.