e-Postal Ballot for service voters
Q. Which of the following is/are true regarding postal and e-postal ballot?
1) Current system of postal ballot involves one-way transmission of ballot paper by the postal services.
2) The e-postal system will provide complete online voting system useful for remote service voters.- Published on 27 Oct 16a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both 1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
ANSWER: Neither 1 nor 2
- The Election Commission proposed that the categories of voters mentioned at rule 18 of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 may be made eligible for e-postal ballot system.
- However, on a pilot basis, e-postal ballot system has been introduced by Notification dated 21st October, 2016 for service voters only.
- A blank postal ballot could be electronically transmitted to the voter, namely, e-postal ballot system. Voters entitled to postal ballot such as service voters, can download the postal ballot and print the blank postal ballot.
- After marking his vote in the blank postal ballot, the same would be returned to the concerned Returning Officer by post as in the present system of postal ballot.
- This is one-way transmission of ballot paper by the postal services.
- Current system of postal ballot involves two-way transmission of ballot paper by the postal services. This causes delays.