Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu inaugurated Indian Railways’ 1st HR Round Table Conference. C
Railway is a large organisation & for every big organisation, it is necessary to revisit the basic issues, introspect them and bring a change to be competitive, versatile & efficient.
People in the organisation has to take a decision of change. Organisational change can happen only if the shortcomings are realised.
Railways is a complex organization. It has commercial role, social role and welfare role and has to meet expectations of people which are unique and conflicting. It also has to play a role of national transporter.
Railways is the most important strategic asset of country.
The change should start from the top level so it should be discernible to the people as discussed in the HR Round Table Conference. Railways as an organisation should cater to the larger corporate goals, corporate goals should cater to societal priorities.
The action & attention should be at Divisional level, Railway Divisions as a business unit should be a focal point of the changes.
Chairman Railway Board Shri AK Mital said that In all other organization the cost of employees is around 30% whereas in Indian Railways it is 60% of the operation cost.
The need of the hour is to increase the earning so that the cost of employees will go down which will be possible only when efficiency & output of each & every employees will improve.