For the first time, hybrid clone variety 205 (Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum) was developed for sub-tropical climate, which was launched in 1918 for commercial farming.
The hybrid clone led to 50% increase in sugarcane production in North India and popular species like Saccharum Barberi and Saccharum Sinensis were left far behind.
After developing species 205, ICAR's Sugarcane Breeding Institute developed several other hybrid clones for sub-tropical condition and they remained sought after for a long time.
After that, the institute developed species 312, first amazing cane variety for the subtropical climate in 1928 and in 1933, it developed species 419 for tropical climate.
The sugarcane farmers are reaping higher yield from the species 0238 and sugar mills are getting more sugar.
Sugarcane farmers can make the best of intercropping technique and increase their income by growing oilseeds, pulses, potatoes, and cucumber with cane.