Gallantry medals for coast guard announced
Q. Who was honoured with the President's Tatrakshak Medal for 2017?- Published on 16 Aug 17a. DIG Suresh Chand Tyagi
b. DIG Surendra Singh Dasila
c. Comdt Abdul Sadek Ali
d. Asst Comdt Panneerselvan Sasiselvan
ANSWER: DIG Suresh Chand Tyagi

On the occasion of Independence Day, the President of India has awarded one President’s Tatrakshak Medal (Distinguished Service), four Tatrakshak Medals (Gallantry) and two Tatrakshak Medals (Meritorious Service) to Indian Coast Guard personnel.
This was for displaying conspicuous acts of gallantry, distinguished and meritorious service.
The detailed list of the awardees are as follows:PRESIDENT’S TATRAKSHAK MEDAL (Distinguished Service)- DIG Suresh Chand Tyagi, P No. (0066-X)
TATRAKSHAK MEDAL (GALLANTRY)- DIG Surendra Singh Dasila, P No. (0270-M)
- Comdt Rajappan Ramesh, P No. (0482-S)
- Comdt (JG) Abdus Sadek Ali, P No. (0671-X)
- Asst Comdt Panneerselvan Sasiselvan, P No. (1052-P)
- DIG Ravindra Dattatraya Shedbalkar, P No. (4018-E)
- DIG Surinder Singh Azad, P No. (0467-L)
These awards are being given to the personnel of the Indian Coast Guard on Republic Day and Independence Day every year, since 26 Jan 1990.