Games and Tournament - Logical Reasoning (MCQ) Questions for Q. 28663

Q.  A team of 5 players Ashwin, Rahul, Sachin, Virat and Rohit participated in a tournament and played four matches.

The following table gives partial information about their individual scores and the total runs scored by the team in each match.

Each column has two values missing. These are the runs scored by the two lowest scorers in that match.

None of the two missing values is more than 10% of the total runs scored in that match.
Runs scoredMatch 1Match 2Match 3Match 4

What is the maximum possible percentage contribution of Ashwin in the total runs scored in the four matches?

- Published on 07 Jul 17

a. 19.7%
b. 19.9%
c. 20.1%
d. 20.5%

ANSWER: 19.7%
None of the two missing values is more than 10% of the total runs scored in that match.

Maximum possible runs scored by Ashwin in Match-1 = 10% of 270 = 27

Maximum possible runs scored by Ashwin in Match-3 = 19

Note: Why is Ashwin’s score not 24? Because he has to score less than 3rd lowest scorer = 20

So, Maximum possible percentage contribution:

(27+100+19+53) / (270+300+240+200) x 100% = 199 / 1010 x 100% = 19.7%


  • Helan   -Posted on 27 Jun 19
    This answer is incorrect. I think answer should be 20.1%

    Max possible run by Ashwin in Match 3 = 10% of 240= 24.
    So (27+100+24+53) / (270+300+240+200) x 100% = 204/ 1010 x 100% = 20.1%

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