The Union Power Ministry is set to launch new mobile application GARV-II to provide real time data of all 6 lakh villages of the country.
The aim of the mobile application is to ensure transparency in implementation of rural electrification programme.
The mobile app has incorporated village-wise; habitation-wise base line data on household electrification for all states.
It also has mapped village-wise works under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) to monitor progress of works.
It also incorporates the status of release of funds to the states for electrification projects sanctioned under DDUGJY.
GARV-II promotes peoples participation for rural electrification work.
It expands rural electrification work to public scrutiny and input about rural electrification programme.
The mobile app also has a citizen engagement window ‘SAMVAD’ to enhance participation.
It automatically forwards feedback and suggestions of people to the concerned authorities through SMS or Email. I
GARV-II- Aims to ensure electricity access to all households.
- Government has already electrified over 11,000 villages out of 18,452 un-electrified villages.
- Earlier version of GARV mobile application was only providing data about rural electrification regarding 18,452 un-electrified villages.
- The GARV-II will provide real time data of all 6 lakh villages of the country in real time.