Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers (GNFC) township, the state owned company’s township at Bharuch, is 100% cashless and probably the first such township in India.
It has a population of around 5,000 and floating population of around 10,000 every day.
It has facilities like a big shopping centre, restaurants, eateries, schools and colleges, hospital, stadium, guest house, etc.
The GNFC township shall be launched by Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani on February 13 at Bharuch.
The GNFC is the first integrated industrial township in the country to go 100% digital in all financial transactions.
All the shops in the Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers township, which include paan shops, laundries, vegetable shops, barber shops, provision stores, cycle repairing shops, flour mills, conduct their business only through cashless transactions.
Transactions are done using PoS machines, e-wallets like BHIM, UPI, SBI Buddy, etc.