Hangul known as Kashmir deer endangered
Q. What is the Kashmir deer also called?- Published on 26 May 16a. Hangul
b. Bangul
c. Rangul
d. Kangul
ANSWER: Hangul
The endangered hangul, also known as the Kashmir deer is in the throes of extinction, on account of human intrusion and domestic livestock grazing as the only habitat here.
- Wildlife experts and activists have raised the alarm calling for strict measures to protect the species against human intrusion
- The main habitat of this elk is the Dachigam National Park, the main concentration of endangered species
- Once found in the high altitudes of Northern India and Pakistan, the animal is now found in Dachigam forests
- Hangul population has been declining steeply since the last century when close to 5000 deers inhabited the Kashmiri valley.