ICAR and IARI have developed Pusa Mustard-30
Q. India’s public research institutions have developed a low eruct acid mustard variety called by which name?- Published on 13 Jan 16a. Pusa Mustard-30
b. Pusa Mustard-40
c. Pusa Mustard-50
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Pusa Mustard-30
Indian public research institutions - Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Indian Agricultural Research Institute have developed a low erucic acid mustard variety namely Pusa Mustard-30, PM-30 will not only benefit health but increase productivity. As compared to the normal mustard varieties which possess more than 40% of the harmful erucic acid , PM-30 possesses close to 2% of the erucic acid using conventional breeding method. This is the first of its kind effort under ICAR-IARI as per the PPP mode for launching indigenously developed health value product with improved oil quality.