ILO report says unemployment on the rise in India
Q. World Employment and Social Outlook for 2017 has stated that India's unemployed will rise to by what number in 2017?- Published on 16 Jan 17a. 1 lakh
b. 2 lakhs
c. 3 lakhs
d. 4 lakhs
ANSWER: 1 lakh

According to the World Employment and Social Outlook for 2017, number of unemployed people is set to rise in India by 1 lakh in 2017.
The ILO report has further stated a rise by another 2 lakh in 2018.
The report was based on projections of econometric modelling in Nov 2016.
Report found India to be in the category of emerging nations.
Key Statistics: ILO ReportIndia- Number of jobless in India will increase from 17.7 million in 2016 to 18 million by 2018.
- India's unemployment rate is expected to go down from 3.5% to 3.4% in 2017.
- India performed slightly well in terms of job creation in 2016, as majority of the 13.4 million new employment were created.
- Globally, the number of jobless people will increase by 3.4 million in 2017.
- The global unemployment rate is expected to rise slightly from 5.7 to 5.8% in 2017.
- It is held pace of labour force growth will outstrip job creation.
- The rise in unemployment levels and rates in 2017 will be driven by deteriorating labour market conditions in emerging countries.
- Vulnerable forms of employment, which include own account workers and contributing family workers are expected to stay above 42% of total employment.
- About 1.4 billion people are likely to be engaged in such employment in 2017, with the number rising by 11 million per year.
- Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia will be the most affected.
- In developing countries, the number of workers earning less than US$3.10 per day is even expected to increase by more than 5 million over the next two years.
- Global uncertainty and the lack of decent jobs are, among some of the other factors influencing social ecosystems.