India - 7th on Global Terrorism Index
Q. India was placed at which rank on the Global Terrorism Index, released by Institute for Economics and Peace?- Published on 12 Dec 16a. 5th
b. 6th
c. 7th
d. 8th

India was ranked 7
th in a list of countries most impacted by terror attacks and terrorism in 2015 as per the GTI or Global Terrorism Index.
This index has been released by a Sydney based think tank Institute for Economics & Peace.
India is one of the 6 Asian countries ranked in the top 10 nations most impacted by terror recording 289 terrorism related deaths in 2015, a 45 percent decline over 2014.
Number of Indian army and paramilitary soldiers killed in 2016 is at a 8 year high.
Indians experienced 7 percent of all terror attacks in the world, the 4th highest after the following countries:- Iraq:20 percent
- Afghanistan: 14 percent
- Pakistan: 8 percent.
- India in 2015 had fewer terror attacks (797) than only Iraq (2,415), Afghanistan (1,715) and Pakistan (1,008).
- India suffered twice as many attacks as Syria (384)
- OECD countries which are the most developed in the world, witnessed a 650 percent increase in terrorism deaths from 77 in 2014 to 577 in 2015, marking the worst year for the 35 nation group since 9/11.