India has become an associate member of CERN w.e.f 16th Jan 2017 with the Indian government completing internal approval procedures. This is based on agreement signed with CERN in Nov 2016.
On Nov 21, 2016, Sekhar Basu, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and DAE secretary signed the agreement. CERN DG Fabiola Gianotti was the other signatory.
As an associate member, India will have total access to all data generated in CERN. Prior to this, India could get data only from experiments it was participating in.
India can participate in all experiments now and choose which ones it wants to participate in.
Indian industry will also be entitled to bid for CERN contracts, which will allow it to work in areas of advanced technology.
“Make in India” will get a boost due to CERN. Indian scientists will become eligible for staff appointments.
It will enhance the participation of young scientists and engineers in operation and maintenance of various CERN projects.
India has to pay about INR 40 crore a year as an Associate member.
India has been actively involved in CERN’s scientific activities for over 50 years.
LHC accelerator and ALICE and CMS experiments, as well as to accelerator R&D projects are some projects where Indians scientists have participated.
In 1991, India and CERN signed a Cooperation Agreement.
It was setting priorities for scientific and technical cooperation.
India and CERN have signed several other protocols since then.
India’s involvement in CERN began in the 1960s with researchers from the TIFR participating in experiments at CERN.
In the 1990s scientists from Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore too got involved in CERN experiment.
India was granted Observer status to the CERN Council in 2002.
CERN: Know More- The CERN convention was signed in 1953.
- It was signed by the 12 founding state.
- Currently, CERN has 22 member states.
- Besides India, Turkey, Pakistan, Ukraine are Associate members.
- Serbia and Cyprus are associate members in the pre-stage to membership.