world-bank Incentives, safe and conducive environment besides a level playing field were critical to boost women participation in the Indian workforce, the World Bank said.
In its India Development Report released on 29th May 2017, the World Bank said the country had one of the lowest female participation in the workforce, ranking 120th among 131 countries for which data was available.
While overall job creation has been limited, most of the new ones have been grabbed by men given the social norms, the report said.
What is worrisome is the fact that the participation level has been dropping since 2005, despite having 42% women who are graduates.
The report highlighted that India’s potential GDP growth rate can be boosted by a percentage point if women participation increased. Jobs for Indian women remain primarily in the agriculture sector.
The share of women in services and industry is less than 20%.
Amid lower rate of job generation, most regular jobs were being grabbed by men. India created only 0.9% jobs equivalent of the adult population between 2005 and 2012.