India to surpass China's population in 7 years

Q.  As per the 'World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision' launched at the UN Headquarters in New York on 29th July’15, within how many years the population of India is expected to surpass that of China?
- Published on 26 Jul 15

a. 2 years
b. 5 years
c. 6 years
d. 7 years

ANSWER: 7 years
The 'World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision' launched at the UN Headquarters in New York yesterday projected that within seven years, the population of India is expected to surpass that of China. Currently, the population of China is approximately 1. 38 billion compared with 1.31 billion in India. Around and after 2022, India's population is projected to continue growing for several decades to 1.5 billion in 2030 and 1.7 billion in 2050, while the population of China is expected to remain fairly constant until the 2030s, after which it is expected to slightly decrease. According to the forecast issued in 2013, India was expected to surpass China's population by 2028 but the latest report predicts that India will overtake its Asian rival six years early by 2022.

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