India’s biggest leprosy eradication programme launched
Q. LCDC was launched on September 5, 2016. This is the biggest campaign in its field. What does LCDC stand for?- Published on 07 Sep 16a. Leprosy Case Detection Campaign
b. Leprosy Care Device Campaign
c. Leprosy Care Development Campaign
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Leprosy Case Detection Campaign

In line with the PM’s goal to eradicate leprosy from India, the National Leprosy Education Programme has a new component. The biggest Leprosy Case Detection Campaign has been launched in India on 5th September 2016 across 149 districts of 19 states and ITs.
- This campaign will cover 1656 blocks/urban areas of the district and screen around 32 crore people for leprosy
- 297604 teams will visit and screen family members for leprosy
- Districts with prevalence of more than 1 case per 10000 people in the past three years have been included in the campaign
- LCDC is the first initiative of its kind, where each and every member of the targeted population will be examined by a search team constituting one male and female volunteer at household levels
- Campaign aims at early detection of leprosy in affected persons so that they will be protected from physical deformity and disability through timely treatment
- The first LCDC was launched in March-April 2016 in 50 districts of 7 states namely Bihar, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, MP, Maharashtra, Odisha and UP
- A population of 6.8 crores was covered during this campaign where 65427 suspected cases were found of which 4120 cases were confirmed