India’s second largest software exporter, Infosys sees exit of senior executive

Q.  India’s second largest software exporter, Infosys has witnessed another exit. Which executives quit the IT major in July 2016?
- Published on 22 Jul 16

a. Samson David
b. Anup Upadhyay
c. Vasudeva Nayak
d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above
The second largest software exporter in India, Infosys has witnessed another exit as global immigration head Vasudeva Nayak resigned on 20th July 2016.
  • This is the third top level departure after the exits of Samson David and Anup Upadhyay.
  • This exit comes at a time when the USD 150 billion IT industry is tracking the critical issue of immigration in the US election year.
  • Infosys has also reported below par numbers, forcing investors to punish the stock.

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