Initiatives for ensuring equitable benefit of MSP

Q.  Which of the following are for ensuring equitable benefit of MSP?

1) Encouraging centralization of procurement to keep tight tab on corruption and pilferage
2) Online Procurement through FCI
3) Effective arrangements for pulses procurement

- Published on 21 Mar 16

a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. All of the above

ANSWER: 2 and 3
Three specific initiatives will be taken up in 2016-17 to ensure that the benefit of MSP reaches farmers in all parts of the country
  • First, the remaining States will be encouraged to take up decentralized procurement.
  • Second, an online Procurement System will be undertaken through the Food Corporation of India. This will usher in transparency and convenience to the farmers through prior registration and monitoring of actual procurement.
  • Third, effective arrangements have been made for pulses procurement.

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