Inversions of four bar chain mechanism - Basic Mechanical Engineering

Q.  Which of the following is an inversion of four bar chain?
- Published on 02 Sep 15

a. Coupled wheels of locomotive
b. Whitworth quick return mechanism
c. Reciprocating air compressor
d. Hand pump

ANSWER: Coupled wheels of locomotive


  • Sravanthi    -Posted on 12 Nov 15
    - By fixing different links of chain, different inversions of four bar chain can be obtained.

    - Double crank mechanism: This is the second inversion of four bar chain. It is used for transmitting rotary motion from one crank to the other crank. Coupled wheels of locomotive is an example of this inversion.

    - The second inversion is obtained by fixing link 2 (crank) in slider crank mechanism. Whitworth quick return mechanism is an example of this inversion. Whitworth quick return mechanism is used in shaping machines and slotting machines.

    - The first inversion is obtained by fixing link 1 (cylinder and frame) in slider crank mechanism. This first inversion of slider crank mechanism is used to convert rotary motion crank into reciprocating motion. Reciprocating air compressor is an example of first inversion of slider crank mechanism.

    - The fourth inversion is obtained when link 4 (slider) is fixed. Hand pump is an example of fourth inversion of slider crank chain.

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