Justice Subhro Kamal Mukherjee appointed CJ of Karnataka HC
Q. Who has been appointed as Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court?- Published on 24 Jun 15a. Justice Kamal Nath Mukherjee
b. Justice D P Sharma
c. Justice Subhro Kamal Mukherjee
d. Justice Subhra Tandon
ANSWER: Justice Subhro Kamal Mukherjee
In exercise of the powers conferred by article 223 of the Constitution of India, the President appointed Shri Justice Subhro Kamal Mukherjee, senior-most Judge of the Karnataka High Court, to perform the duties of the office of the Chief Justice of that High Court with effect from the date Shri Justice Dhirendra Hiralal Waghela relinquishes charge of the office of the Chief Justice of Karnataka High Court.