Logical reasoning - Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) questions for Q. 20933

Q.  If (a) '1 2 3'  stands for 'These are girls', (b) '135' stands for 'girls are clever' and (c) '156' stands for 'clever girls sing', which numerical stands for 'clever'?
- Published on 13 Apr 16

a. 1
b. 4
c. 2
d. 3
e. 5

(a) '1 2 3' ===>'these are girls'
(b)'1 3 5' ===>'girls are clever'
(c)'1 5 6' ===>' clever girls sing'

From statements (a) and (b) above we can notice that the set of numbers “1” and ”3” would stand for the set of words “girls ” and “are” (through not respectively). Thus the code number for clever would be “5” ( and the code number for “these” would be “2”). The statement (c) becomes redundent. (superfluous)

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