Marine archaeologists discover 22 ancient shipwrecks in Greece
Q. Marine archaeologists have made a once in a lifetime discovery of how many shipwrecks near the Greek archipelago of Fourni?- Published on 04 Nov 15a. 21
b. 22
c. 23
d. 24
Marine archaeologists have made a once in a lifetime discovery after locating 22 ancient shipwrecks near the Greek archipelago. The wrecks were uncovered by the expedition crew and date back to 700 BC, around the archipelago of Fourni, which is in the middle of an ancient trade route between Greece, Egypt and Cyprus. The scientists now hold that there could be up to 40 shipwrecks in 17 square miles. The majority of the wrecks date from between 700BC to 600AD but one was found to have sank in the 16th century .Fourni is a collection of 13 islands between the islands of Samos and Icaria and was an important staging post in the long distance trading routes between the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea, Cyprus, and the Levant.