Nav Arjan - New revenues, Nav Manak - New Norms, Nav Sanrachna - New Structures

Q.  Which of the following is/are pillar/s of strategy mentioned in the railway budget for 2016-17?

1) New Revenues
2) New Infrastructure
3) New Norms

- Published on 01 Mar 16

a. Only 1
b. Only 2 and 3
c. Only 1 and 3
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Only 1 and 3
  • Three pillars of the strategy i.e. Nav Arjan – New revenues, Nav Manak – New Norms, Nav Sanrachna – New Structures.
  • Nav Arjan – New revenues: Challenge our conventional thinking on freight policies to win back our share in the transportation sector. IR will exploit new sources of revenue so that every asset, tangible or non-tangible, gets optimally monetized.
  • Nav Manak – New norms: Each rupee that gets expensed will be re-examined to ensure optimal productivity. IR will take a ‘zero-based budgeting’ approach to the financials of the ensuing year.
  • Nav Sanrachna – New Structures: IR needs to re-imagine the conventional ways of solving issues. Co-operation, Collaboration, Creativity and Communication should be the hallmark of IR’s decision-making and actions. IR will revisit all processes, rules, and structures to enable this transformation of IR.

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