Landlocked country Nepal has launched a 10 year plan to cut reliance on vegetable imports from India.
Though the western part of this nation has seen a rise in commercial vegetable farming, vegetable imports from India have continued to rise.
Region imports vegetables worth INR 55 billion each year from India.
Potatoes worth INR 370 million were annually imported. Green vegetable imports is pegged at INR 180 million.
Birgunj and Gadda Chauki are the two most important Indian trading outposts with Nepal.
Vegetable is cultivated in the following areas : Belauri, Krishnapur, Jhalari, Mahendranagar and Mahakali.
Production barely meets local demand.
The aim is to propose modern farm techniques to boost productivity, and making the country self-reliant in food.
Government has targeted making the country self-sufficient in maize and fish by the next three years.
Self reliance is sought in fruits like bananas, papaya and litchi by four years.
Towards its end, the project envisages becoming self-sufficient in fruits like kiwi, apple and orange.
Nepal Government: Know More- Government: Federal parliamentary republic
- President: Bidhya Devi Bhandari
- Vice President: Nanda Kishor Pun
- Prime Minister: Pushpa Kamal Dahal
- Speaker of House: Onsari Gharti Magar
- Chief Justice: Sushila Karki
- Legislature: Parliament