Networking - Programming Language (MCQ) questions for Q. 7951

Q.  What can we call an Ethernet frame that is less than the IEEE 802.3's minimum length of 64 octets? (Networking)
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Short Frame
b. Mini Frame
c. Runt frame
d. None of the Above

ANSWER: Runt frame


  • Prajakta Pandit   -Posted on 23 Oct 15

    - A data packet on an Ethernet link is called an Ethernet packet, which transports an Ethernet frame as its payload.

    - Each Ethernet frame starts with an Ethernet header which contains a destination and source MAC address.

    - The maximum size of the payload field in an Ethernet frame is 1500 bytes.

    - Any frame which is received and the minimum length is 64 bytes and less than the 802.3 is a illegal frame and is called a Runt Frame.

    - Runt frames are always caused by collisions. If runt frames occur when collisions are not high in an Ethernet environment, then they are probably the result of under runs or bad software on a Network Interface Card (NIC).

    - The Ehternet frame ends with a frame check sequence (FCS) which is a 32 bit cyclic redundancy check used to detect any in-transit corruption of data.

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