New species of mammal Pika in Sikkim
Q. A new species of Pika called Ochotona sikimaria has been found in which NE state?- Published on 04 Oct 16a. Arunachal Pradesh
b. Nagaland
c. Sikkim
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Sikkim
Scientists at the National Centre for Biological Sciences in Bengaluru have identified a new species of pika called Ochotona sikimaria found in the Sikkim Himalayas.
- The findings reveal a cryptic Pika lineage
- The researchers problem the genetic origin of the little mammal Pika to discover an entirely new species with an interesting evolutionary past
- Genetic tools were used to understand the origin and evolution of Pika species found in the Sikkim Himalayas and obtained DNA samples
- They found that the Sikkim Pika newly discovered is close to its relatives in China
- This Pika species was found to be distinct and not a subspecies of the Moupin Pika.
- Pikas are members of the rabbit family living high in the mountain and they are cold adapted
- Majority of the Pika species are of Asian Origin
- They are considered indicators of climate change
- Pika do not hibernate in winter but prepare food piles to sustain themselves in the cold weather, unlike other mammalian species.