This bicycle may be a low-cost, eco-friendly alternative to 2 wheeler motor vehicles. To reduce air pollution, scientists have designed the solar powered bike.
Bikes can switch between solar energy powered motor and pedals. Cost is pegged around INR 12 to 15,000.
India is the sixth largest motor vehicle manufacturer in 2014-2015, producing 23.4 million vehicles during that period.
2 wheeler production reached 18.5 million units in 2015. The vehicles have doubled in number in the past 20 years and have become a massive source of air pollution in urban India.
Major air pollutants emitted from vehicles include CO, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter.
Increasing air pollution has serious health effects, estimates pointing to 10 percent deaths per year from this.
Solar assisted bikes can reduce overall 60 percent of the vehicle pollution in the country. This comprises a brushless DC motor.
There is an electric throttle for speed control. The solar energy is stored by a lead acid battery.
The solar panel is mounted on a bicycle carrier and solar panels of any specification are used based on which energy is released.
With power supply from the solar panel to the hub motor, the wheels rotate and move. The rider can choose between pedals and motor or opt for both together.
Bicycle speed and other features can be customized to suit user needs.