Numerical - PD at point B for given schematic of 2 wire dc distributor cable

Q.  What will be the pd at point B if a pd of 300 V is maintained at a point A, for a 2 wire dc distributor cable AB if 2 km long and supplies loads of 100A, 150A, 200A, and 50A suited at 500m, 1000m, 1600m, and 2000m from the feeding point A. Each conductor has a resistance of 0.01 Ω per 1000 m.

2 wire dc distributor cable
- Published on 23 Nov 15

a. 288 V
b. 287.6 V
c. 295.36 V
d. 291.2 V

ANSWER: 287.6 V


  • Gudina Gemechu    -Posted on 24 Jan 25
    I like your note,but it is good if you put the solution with answer
  • Nigatu Endalew    -Posted on 30 Jun 23
    it is better put explanation for this question!!!

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