Numerical - Shear stress, given load, diameter

Q.  What is the value of shear stress acting on a plane of circular bar which is subjected to axial tensile load of 100 kN? (Diameter of bar = 40 mm , θ = 42.3o)
- Published on 23 Sep 15

a. 58.73 Mpa
b. 40.23 Mpa
c. 39.60 Mpa
d. Insufficient data

ANSWER: 39.60 Mpa


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 25 Nov 15
    Given: Axial tensile load = 100 kN, Diameter of bar = 40 mm , θ = 42.3°

    Formula: Shear stress = (σx /2) sin 2θ


    - Stress acting in the direction of force = P /A

    = 100 x 103 / [(π / 4) 402]

    = 79.577 Mpa

    - Shear stress = ( 79.577/2) sin 2 (42.3)

    = 39.60 Mpa

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