Piggybacking technique - Improve efficiency of bidirectional protocols - Networking

Q.  Networking: Why Piggybacking technique is used?
- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. To take the backup of data packets.
b. To improve the efficiency of the unidirectional protocols.
c. To improve the efficiency of the bidirectional protocols.
d. None of the above.

ANSWER: To improve the efficiency of the bidirectional protocols.


  • Prajakta Pandit   -Posted on 26 Oct 15

    - Piggybacking technique is used to improve the efficiency of the bi-directional protocols.

    - Piggybacking is a bi-directional data transmission technique in the network layer of the OSI model.

    - The data frames are sent from receiver to sender and adds the confirmation, it means the acknowledgement, that the data frame sent by the sender was received successfully.

    - Sending an acknowledgement in an individual frame is piggybacked on the data frame.

    - It improves efficiency and better use of available channel bandwidth.

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