Raj Shah - Deputy communication director and deputy assistant of White House staff
Q. Donald Trump has appointed whom as the deputy assistant and research director at the White House?- Published on 06 Jan 17a. Rajiv Shah
b. Raj Shah
c. Rajesh Shah
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Raj Shah

US President elect Donald Trump has appointed an expert on strategic communications and political research, Raj Shah as his deputy assistant and research director on the White House staff.
Trump has also announced on 4th Jan 2016 that Shah would also hold the post of deputy communications director. Shah aided Trump's campaign by highlighting contradictions in Clinton's political positions and issues like her handling of the private email server.
Republican National Committee has credited him with developing the organisation's opposition research book on Hillary Clinton.
Reince Priebus has been announced as Trump's chief of staff.
Know More About Raj Shah- Research director and deputy communications director at the Republican National Committee.
- Shah is also MD of America Rising.
- His area of specialisation is opposition research.
- He worked as a research assistant during George W.Bush's presidency.
- He also worked in John McCain's 2008 unsuccessful presidential campaign against Barack Obama.