RTGS facility will not operate on 2nd, 4th Saturdays - RBI

Q.  As per the RBI Guidelines, on which of the following days RTGS facility will not operate?
- Published on 08 Sep 15

a. 1st Monday of the month & 4th Saturday of the month
b. 2nd Saturday of the month & 4th Saturday of the month
c. All Saturdays of the month & 4th Saturday of the month
d. All Saturdays of the month & 2nd Saturday of the month

ANSWER: 2nd Saturday of the month & 4th Saturday of the month
The Reserve Bank has said that the Real-time gross settlement - RTGS system will not be operated on second and fourth Saturdays with banks observing public holiday on those days. In a notification issued from Mumbai, RBI said that the system will operate for full days on working Saturdays of the month. The minimum amount to be remitted through RTGS is Rs 2 lakh while there is no upper ceiling.

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