Scientists discover 10 new species of fishes, including one recorded for first time
Q. Marine biotechnology scientists in Gujarat have discovered how many new species of fish in June 2016?- Published on 27 Jun 16a. 10
b. 9
c. 8
d. 7
Marine biotechnology scientists in Gujarat have discovered 10 new species of fishes including one that has been recorded for the first time in the world.
- New species have been discovered in the first ever major exercise to map and DNA bardcode all fish species along the state’s 1600 km coastline.
- Mapping will create a massive data base of all fish species along with DNA barcode which will conserve the marine biodiversity of Gujarat.
- According to the data of the Gujarat Biodiversity Board, there are estimated 606 species of fish found in the state of which 487 were marine and 119 were freshwater fishes.
- Spiny Loach fish has been found in Veraval for the first time in the world.
- Dr Yususfzai of the Department of Aquaculture leading the research team said every species of marine fish will get a DNA barcode.
- Spiny Loach is now placed in the Barcode of Life Data Systems/BOLD database which is a global reference library of DNA barcodes that can be used to assign identities to space not known.
- Mapping of marine fish biodiversity along the Veraval coast uses MtDNA barcoding funded by Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission
- DNA barcoding is a new system to discover species using a small DNA section from the standardised region of the genome
- DNA sequence is used to identify different species