Shaheed Gram Vikas Yojana launched in birthplace of Jharkhand freedom fighter Birsa Munda

Q.  Where was the Shaheed Gram Vikas Yojana in Jharkhand launched?
- Published on 20 Sep 17

a. Ulihatu
b. Birthplace of Birsa Munda
c. Ranchi
d. Only a and b

ANSWER: Only a and b
Shaheed Gram Vikas Yojana launched in birthplace of Jharkhand freedom fighter Birsa MundaBJP president Amit Shah on 18th Sept 2017 launched the ‘Shaheed Gram Vikas Yojana’ during a programme at Ulihatu in Khunti district of Jharkhand.

Ulihatu is the birthplace of Jharkhand’s tribal icon Birsa Munda.

Shah, on the third day of his Jharkhand visit, also met the descendants of Birsa Munda and gave away gas connections, solar lamps to some of the beneficiaries.

The programme launched by Shah would provide 136 pucca houses to the dwellers of Ulihatu and a couple of other hamlets around it.

The government is providing two-room, a verandah, bathroom and toilet house.

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