Space Activities Bill: Know More
Q. Which bill is targeted to increase public as well as private participation in space programmes?- Published on 24 Nov 17a. The Space Affairs Bill, 2017
b. The Space Activities Bill, 2017
c. The Space Programme Bill, 2017
d. The Space Sector Bill, 2017
ANSWER: The Space Activities Bill, 2017

A Bill pending before the Parliament is to encourage both the public and private sectors to participate in the space programme.
The Space Activities Bill 2017 is a proposed Bill to promote and regulate the space activities of India.
The new Bill encourages the participation of non-governmental/private sector agencies in space activities in India under the guidance and authorisation of the government through the Department of Space.
According to the draft, as few start-up companies in India have shown interest in space systems activities and as space activities need participation from private sector agencies, "there is an urgent need for a legal environment for orderly performance and growth of space sector."
The draft was posted on the website of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on November 21, 2017.
Provisions of the Act - The provisions of this Act shall apply to every citizen of India and to all sectors engaged in any space activity in India or outside India
- A non-transferable licence shall be provided by the Central Government to any person carrying out commercial space activity
- The Central Government will formulate the appropriate mechanism for licensing, eligibility criteria, and fees for licence.
- The government will maintain a register of all space objects (any object launched or intended to be launched around the earth) and develop more space activity plans for the country
- It will provide professional and technical support for commercial space activity and regulate the procedures for conduct and operation of space activity
- It will ensure safety requirements and supervise the conduct of every space activity of India and investigate any incident or accident in connection with the operation of a space activity.
- It will share details about the pricing of products created by space activity and technology with any person or any agency in a prescribed manner.
- If any person undertakes any commercial space activity without authorisation they shall be punished with imprisonment up to 3 years or fined more than ?1 crore or both.