Suvarna Mukherjee, First Lady of India passes away

Q.  Name the wife of President Pranab Mukherjee who passed away on 18th Aug’15?
- Published on 31 Aug 15

a. Sonam Mukherjee
b. Annapurna Mukherjee
c. Suvra Mukherjee
d. Akshita Das

ANSWER: Suvra Mukherjee
Mrs Mukherjee was born on 17th of September 1940 in Jessore and got married to Mr Pranab Mukherjee in 1957. She was a vocalist of Rabindra Sangeet and founded the Geetanjali Troupe. She had also written two books Chokher Aloey and Chena Achenai Chin.

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