Syllogism - Logical Reasoning (MCQ) Questions for Q. 30055

Q.  The question given below has a set of three or four statements. Each set of statements is further divided into three segments. Choose the alternative where the third segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but not just from one of them.

Statement - I. Some pens are books.
II. All temples are books.
III. Some libraries are temples.

Conclusion - I. Some libraries are pens.
II. Some pens are temples.
III. Some libraries are books.

- Published on 15 May 17

a. Only I follows
b. Only II follows
c. None follows
d. Only I and II follows
e. Both II and III follow

ANSWER: None follows
syllogism 5 1621


  • Ashu   -Posted on 09 Feb 25
    According to I-E method conclusion 2 follows
  • Pranjal   -Posted on 02 Nov 23
    None of the options are correct only III follows
  • Anchal   -Posted on 11 Feb 23
    here the correct answer should be only III follows, but there is no such option
  • Alex hanah   -Posted on 03 Jun 21
    I want to join syllogism mock test
  • kodi   -Posted on 25 Aug 19
    what the hell? you gave some other explanation , and answer that i got is different , can you explain it clearly?
  • Len Singsit   -Posted on 21 Mar 19
    Plis solved question no 4 in income expense method ????

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