Telecom player TATA Docomo announces appointment of Amitabh Bhatia as CBU head

Q.  Telecom player TATA Docomo has appointed whom as the consumer business unit head for AP and Telangana?
- Published on 11 Jul 16

a. Amitabh Bhatia
b. Amitav Bhatia
c. Sanjay Bhatia
d. Mahesh Bhatia

ANSWER: Amitabh Bhatia
Telecom major TATA Docomo has on 7th July, 2016 announced the appointment of Amitabh Bhatia as the consumer business unit head- AP and Telangana.
  • As the CBU head, Bhatia will oversee the business and operations of the telco in two states.
  • He was earlier leading Gujarat circle at TATA Teleservices.
  • He had previously held numerous positions at Electrolux, Reliance Communication and Bharti Airtel.

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