Test performed without skilled labours - Material Science

Q.  Which test can be performed without skilled labour?
- Published on 05 Aug 15

a. Dye penetrant testing
b. Visual testing
c. Ultrasonic testing
d. Magnetic particle test

ANSWER: Dye penetrant testing


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 07 Oct 15
    Dye penetrant test does not require any skilled labour. This method only detects surface discontinuities and this test needs to be observed with naked eyes or with low magnifying glass. Hence requires no skilled labour.

    Visual testing requires a highly skilled and experienced person to detect cracks. Sometimes in this method a robot camera may be used to detect pipes which are automated systems. Thus here a very skilled person is needed to operate the automated systems and also for indirect visual inspection.

    Magnetic particle test is sensitive method hence atleast a semi-skilled person is required for this purpose. This method follows different steps to detect surface and subsurface defects and cannot be handled by a person without any experience or technical skills.

    Ultrasonic method uses high frequency sound waves to detect discontinuities. This method requires highly skilled labour to carry out the pulse echo method or through transmission method.

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