Theresa May to take over as British PM after rival withdraws

Q.  Who will be Britain’s second female PM?
- Published on 12 Jul 16

a. Theresa May
b. Amelia Heathcote
c. Andrea Leadsom
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Theresa May
Theresa May will take over as the new British PM, British premier David Cameron announced after the home secretary’s only rival Andrea Leadsom pulled out of the race.
  • Cameron said he will chair his last cabinet meeting tomorrow and attend the House of Commons for last PM questions before heading to Buckingham palace to hand in the resignation to the Queen
  • The new PM will become responsible for taking the Brexit negotiations forward with EU after the June 23 vote in favour of Leave
  • The 59-year-old May will become the second female PM after Margaret Thatcher
  • May’s only rival Andrea Leadsom pulled out from the two way contest throwing her support behind May as “ideally placed” to enforce the vote for Brexit in last month’s referendum on British membership of the EU

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