UK unveils 12 point plan to leave the EU
Q. UK unveiled the 12 point plan for implementing Brexit deal within how many years in phased manner?- Published on 19 Jan 17a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. None of the above

United Kingdom unveiled her 12-point plan to leave European Union.
This is for implementing Brexit deal within two years in phased manner.
The priorities include:- Control over immigration;
- Securing the rights of EU citizens in Britain;
- Committing to retain workers’ rights;
- Building a strong trading relationship with EU and rest of the world;
- Removing Britain from the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice; and
- Making Britain an attractive place for investors and students.
In June 2016 referendum, UK had voted to leave the EU (a single market and the customs union with the 28-nation economic bloc). The vote was by a margin of 51.9% to 48.1%.