Union Cabinet chaired by PM Narendra Modi gives approval for India-Maldives health cooperation agreement

Q.  Union Cabinet has provided ex post facto approval for MoU between India and which country on cooperation in the field of health?
- Published on 14 Jan 16

a. Mauritius
b. Maldives
c. India
d. Pakistan

ANSWER: Maldives
Union Cabinet chaired by PM Narendra Modi has provided ex post facto approval for MoU between India and Maldives signed in January 2014 on cooperation in the field of health. MoU covers cooperation in the area of exchange of training of medical doctors, officials, healthcare professionals and experts, assistance in development of human resources and establishment of healthcare facilities and medical as well as health research development. MoU covers cooperation in the field of management and health care sector as well as public health services and procurement of general and essential drugs and assistance in sourcing of drug supplies.

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