US based scientists develop bio-battery on single piece of paper

Q.  US based scientists have discovered a bio-battery on a single sheet of?
- Published on 28 Dec 16

a. Metal
b. Paper
c. Chrome
d. Plastic

US based scientists develop bio-battery on single piece of paperUS scientists have discovered a bacteria powered bio battery on a single sheet of paper that can power disposable electronics.

Researchers created this new bacteria powered battery and the paper based design is a new field of research called Papertronics which fuses paper and electronics.

Battery is made on a single sheet of paper to power disposable electronics; new and unique manufacturing technology lowers fabrication time and cost.

The design of the battery can revolutionize the use of bio-batteries as a power source in remote, resource limited and dangerous areas.

These self sustained, paper based, point of care devices are vital for providing effective and life saving treatments in resource limited settings.

On one half of a piece of chromatography paper, a ribbon of silver nitrate beneath a thin layer of wax was used to create a cathode.

The reservoir was made out of conductive polymer on the other half of the paper which acted as an anode.

Once folded properly with an addition of a few drops of bacteria filled liquid, the cellular respiration of microbes powers the battery.

Device requires layers to include components such as anode, cathode and PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane).

Different folding methods mean different power and current outputs.

Scientists were able to generate 31.51 Microwatts at 125.53 microamps with 6 batteries in 3 parallel series.

They also generated 44.85 microwatts of power at 105.89 microamps in a 6 by 6 configuration.

Know More About Microwatts
  • It is a derived metric SI (System International) measurement unit of power.
  • The microwatt is equal to one millionth of a watt (10-6W), a unit of power equal to one millionth of a watt.
  • Symbol: µW, µ w.
  • Origin of microwatt: 1910-1915

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