Antonyms & Synonyms for MAT, CET, CMAT, SNAP & other MBA exams - Set 4

1)   Choose the word most nearly opposite to the given word.


a. Boring
b. Mysterious
c. Comic
d. Incredulous
Answer  Explanation 


Meaning: Tragic is something sad, harmful or fatal.

Example: It was a tragic love story.

Synonyms: Catastrophe, Appalling, Deadly, Dreadful

Antonyms: Blessed, Delightful, Fortunate, Harmless

2)   Attain

a. Crave
b. Lose
c. Harbor
d. Credit
Answer  Explanation 


Meaning: To attain is to gain or accomplish something with effort

Example: I know that he lacked the ability to attain it.

Synonyms: Earn, Gain, Obtain, Grasp, Snag

Antonyms: Fail, Forfeit, Spend, Lose

3)   Insidious

a. Repellant
b. Honest
c. Charming
d. Delicious
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Honest

Meaning: Insidious is something or someone who works in a subtle or sly way, or in an intent to trap.

Example: The insidious rumors destroyed the reputation of the company.

Synonyms: Sneaky, Tricky, Dangerous, Crooked

Antonyms: Fair, Honest, Sincere, Open

4)   Perilous

a. Disciplined
b. Similar
c. Safe
d. Honest
Answer  Explanation 


Meaning: The meaning of perilous is a dangerous situation, or something fraught with danger and risk.

Example: These highways are notoriously perilous.

Synonyms: Dangerous, Delicate, Precarious, Hazardous

Antonyms: Calm, Safe, Definite, Stable, Firm

5)   Delude

a. Show
b. Clever
c. Undeceive
d. Enrage
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Undeceive

Meaning: To delude is to trick or fool, often in relation to yourself.

Example: We should not delude ourselves by entertaining that hope.

Synonyms: Deceive, Fool, Dupe, Misguide, Bluff

Antonyms: Honest, Truthful, Debunk, Undeceive

6)   Entice

a. Piece
b. Repulse
c. Attract
d. Repeat
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Repulse

Meaning: Entice means to provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion.

Example: Don’t try to entice me with the offer of movies.

Synonyms: Allure, Persuade, Attract, Cajole

Antonyms: Repel, Repulse, Disenchant, Disgust

7)   Stingy

a. Wasteful
b. Democratic
c. Spiteful
d. Liberal
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Liberal

Meaning: Stingy is someone or something that is not generous or unwilling to spend

Example: She practices economy without being stingy.

Synonyms: Frugal, Greedy, Miserly, Thrifty, Ungenerous

Antonyms: Extravagant, Generous, Liberal, Wasteful

8)   Ameliorate

a. Improve
b. Depend
c. Soften
d. Worsen
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Worsen

Meaning: The meaning of ameliorate is to improve or make better.

To ameliorate is to step in and make a bad situation better.

Example: Can you think of specific actions that you could take to ameliorate what you fear?

Synonyms: Alleviate, Lighten, Mitigate, Amend

Antonyms: Aggravate, Worsen, Intensify, Decrease

9)   Ignominious

a. Laudable
b. Ominous
c. Dishonest
d. Terrible
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Laudable

Meaning: The meaning of ignominious is something that is contemptible or degrading, or that makes you deserving of public shame

Example: Some of his friends considered the job of janitor to be an ignominious fate for the laid-off executive

Synonyms: Disgraceful, Embarrassing, Shameful, Dishonorable

Antonyms: Respectable, Honorable, Exalted

10)   Conceit

a. Egotistic
b. Honest
c. Modest
d. Vanity
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Modest

Meaning: The meaning of conceit is a strong, exaggerated opinion of one's self.

Example: The conceited boxer put a statue of himself in his front yard.

Synonyms: Egotism, Arrogance, Complacence, Narcissism

Antonyms: Humility, Modesty, Meekness, Shyness, Timidity

11)   Treacherous

a. Faithful
b. Delusive
c. Tactful
d. False
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Faithful

Meaning: The meaning of treacherous is someone who is guilty of dishonesty or betrayal, or something that is dangerous or hazardous.

Example: How would you like to take a treacherous ride?

Synonyms: Dishonest, Disloyal, Slippery, Tricky, Unreliable

Antonyms: Honest, Reliable, Loyal, Forthright, Harmless

12)   Boisterous

a. Rowdy
b. Tumultuous
c. Violent
d. Serene
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Serene

Meaning: Boisterous is something noisy, loud and rowdy.

Example: The group remained boisterous despite its size.

Synonyms: Noisy, Clamorous, Loud, Riotous

Antonyms: Calm, Low, Soft, Moderate

13)   Impecunious

a. Wealthy
b. Cautious
c. Hungry
d. Tardy
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Wealthy

Meaning: Impecunious is a person without any money.

Example: If you are hard up, broke, penniless, or strapped for cash, you could describe yourself as impecunious.

Synonyms: Beggared, Broke, Destitute, Impoverished

Antonyms: Moneyed, Rich, Wealthy

14)   Severe

a. Lenient
b. Cautious
c. Join
d. Strict
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Lenient

Meaning: Severe is someone or something that is very serious, harsh or critical.

Example: A severe blow from the boxer knocked him down.

Synonyms: Uncompromising, Harsh, Relentless, Serious

Antonyms: Gentle, Clement, Forbearing, Lenient, Kind

15)   Fatuous

a. Crafty
b. Frugal
c. Sensible
d. Inane
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Sensible

Meaning: Fatuous is something or someone who is foolish or silly.

Example: Although I've never wanted to marry, I found this fatuous.

Synonyms: Stupid, Absurd, Foolish, Ludicrous, Inane

Antonyms: Aware, Bright, Intelligent, Sensible

16)   Candid

a. Unkind
b. Blunt
c. Valid
d. Dishonest
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Dishonest

Meaning: The meaning of candid is openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness.

Example: His candid comment offended the guests.

Synonyms: Blunt, Impartial, Sincere, Truthful

Antonyms: Biased, Devious, Dishonest, Deceitful

17)   Flaunt

a. Regard
b. Sink
c. Hide
d. Propose
Answer  Explanation 


Meaning: Flaunt is defined as to go out of your way to display something, such as your wealth or your body, in a manner that is generally considered offensive, inappropriate or gaudy.

Example: He was flaunting his new Italian jacket by wearing it to the beach.

Synonyms: Brandish, Proclaim, Boast, Expose

Antonyms: Hide, Conceal, Cover, Secrete

18)   Ecstasy

a. Hate
b. Agony
c. Languor
d. Fatigue
Answer  Explanation 


Meaning: The meaning of ecstasy is a feeling of intense joy, happiness or passion.

Example: Actors are typically in ecstasy upon winning an Oscar.

Synonyms: Bliss, Elation, Euphoria, Happiness, Joy

Antonyms: Depression, Misery, Sadness, Apathy

19)   Opprobrious

a. Respectful
b. Miscible
c. Inspiring
d. Imitable
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Respectful

Meaning: Opprobrious is something that is disrespectful or that expresses shame or disgrace.

Example: Opprobrious words criticize in a mean, hurtful way.

Synonyms: Abusive, Abasing, Despicable, Despiteful

Antonyms: Complimentary, Flattering, Kind, Nice

20)   Ostentatious

a. Nescient
b. Awkward
c. Bankrupt
d. Reserved
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Reserved

Meaning: Ostentatious is someone or something designed to get notice or draw attention by being inappropriate, showy, vulgar and in bad taste.

Example: His ostentatious hatred of the revolutionary parties marked him out as the natural object for these accusations.

Synonyms: Flashy, Showy, Classy, Flamboyant

Antonyms: Calm, Moderate, Modest, Plain