1) Raj decides to sell his watch at 5% discount. But his brother buys it from him and he gives his brother 8% discount. Due to this Raj gets Rs. 45 less in the profit. What was the marked price of the watch?
a. Rs. 1500
b. Rs. 1800
c. Rs. 6000
d. Rs. 9000
2) At what time between 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock, will the hands of a clock be together?
a. 33(5/12) minutes past 7 o’ clock
b. 38(2/11) minutes past 7 o’ clock
c. 35(7/11) minutes past 8 o’ clock
d. 32(1/11) minutes before 8 o’ clock
3) The sum of 2 numbers is 36 and their product is 248. What will be the sum of their reciprocals?
a. 9/62
b. 65/248
c. 212
d. 248/36
4) On exchanging the digits in unit’s and ten’s place, the difference between original and new numbers becomes 27. The digit in the unit's place is 2 times the digit in the hundred's place. The digit in the ten’s place is 3 times the digit in the hundred’s place. What is 75% of the original number?
a. 99
b. 369
c. 297
d. 396
5) Convert 0.88 into vulgar fraction
a. 80/99
b. 44/45
c. 22/25
d. 8/9
a. 16
b. 7
c. 99/64
d. 32/25
7) What least possible 4-digit number, when divided by 12, 16, 18 and 20 leaves 21 as remainder?
a. 36
b. 133
c. 144
d. 1461
8) 3 birds fly along the circumference of a jungle. They complete one round in 27 minutes, 45 minutes and 63 minutes respectively. Since they start together, when will they meet again at the starting position?
a. 945 minutes
b. 126 minutes
c. 135 minutes
d. 9 hours
9) What will be least number of marbles with Rohit if he can arrange them in rows of 18, 10 and 15 marbles each as well as make a perfect solid square out of all the marbles?
a. 133
b. 43
c. 90
d. 900
a. 7.48….
b. 7
c. 8
d. None of the above
11) Find value of 1/(25 - 18), if 2 = 1.414?
a. 1. 320
b. 1.010
c. 7
d. 0.7
12) Find value of a3 + b3 + 3ab, when value of a+b = 1?
a. 1
b. -1
c. 1/(3ab)
d. 1/(a-b)
13) What will be fraction form of 0.3523?
a. 3488/9900
b. 3523/9900
c. 3523/10000
d. 3488/10000
14) Add 17.499, 17.85 and 36.333
a. 51.909
b. 52.683
c. 53.017
d. 52.159
15) On rolling a dice 2 times, the sum of 2 numbers that appear on the uppermost face is 8. What is the probability that the first throw of dice yields 4?
a. 2/36
b. 1/36
c. 1/6
d. 1/5
16) Ramesh mixes 60 litres of Type-1 acid with some litres of Type-2 acid. Type-1 acid rate is Rs. 32 per litre while Type-2 rate is Rs. 23 per litre. Ramesh sells this acid-mix at rate Rs. 28 per litre. How much Type-2 acid is needed to make it a no profit no loss transaction?
a. 48 litres
b. 36 litres
c. 24 litres
d. 50 litres
17) M invests Rs. 4000 in coaching classes. After 3 months N comes along with Rs. 8000. P comes in with Rs. 20000. The classes earn a profit of Rs. 112000 at the end of the year. If profits of M, N and Pare in ratio of 6:9:5, for how many months was P involved?
a. 5 months
b. 6 months
c. 2 months
d. 3 months
18) P, Q and R start a hotel. Q and R invest equally but P invests one-fifth of the total investment amount. On getting profit of Rs. 225000, how much would be difference between profit of P and R?
a. Rs. 90000
b. Rs. 45000
c. Rs. 71000
d. Rs. 112500
19) Simran bought pet food worth Rs. 56000. She then sold 1/3rd of it incurring a loss of 40%. What profit she must earn on rest of the supplies to nullify this loss?
a. 25%
b. 20%
c. 45%
d. 50%
20) Without repetition, using digits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 0, how many numbers can be made which lie between 500 and 1000?
a. 70
b. 147
c. 60
d. 90