1) In a moving coil voltmeter, the input resistance of the meter can be increased by
a. Increasing the number of turns in the coil
b. Decreasing the number of turns in the coil
c. Using the same number of coil turns made up of high resistance material
d. Both (a) & (c)
2) The magnitude of environment - induced variation from the specified calibration condition is quantified by
a. Sensitivity drift
b. Zero drift
c. Backlash
d. Both (a) & (b)
3) The systematic errors of an instrument can be reduced by making
a. The sensitivity of instrument to environmental input as low as possible
b. The sensitivity of instrument to environmental input as high as possible
c. Systematic errors does not depend on the sensitivity of instrument
d. None of these
Related Ques
ANSWER: The sensitivity of instrument to environmental input as low as possible
Explanation: No explanation is available for this question!
4) Suitable method for the reduction of systematic errors is / are
a. Instrument must be designed carefully
b. By introducing an equal and opposite environmental input for compensating the effect of environmental input in a measurement system
c. By adding high gain feedback to measurement system
d. All of these
5) If the instrument is used in wrong manner while application, then it will results in
a. Systematic error
b. Instrument error
c. Random error
d. Environmental error
6) The undesirable characteristics of a measuring system is / are
a. Drift
b. Dead zone
c. Non linearity
d. All of these
7) Calibration of instrument is an important consideration in measurement system. The errors due to instruments being out of calibration can be rectified by
a. Increasing the frequency of recalibration
b. Increasing the temperature coefficient
c. Increasing the susceptibility of measuring instrument
d. Decreasing the frequency of recalibration
8) Random errors in a measurement system are due to
a. Environmental changes
b. Use of uncalibrated instrument
c. Poor cabling practices
d. Unpredictable effects
9) The gravity controlled instruments has to be kept
a. Vertical
b. Horizontal
c. Inclined at 45 degree
d. Inclined at 75 degree
10) A deflection of 90 degree is produced when a current of 10 A flows through the circuit and the torque of the ammeter vary as the square of the current through it. If a current of 8 A flows through it, then the deflection obtained when the instrument is spring controlled and when the instrument is gravity controlled are
a. 39.79 degree, 57.6 degree
b. 47.55 degree, 35.67 degree
c. 57.6 degree, 39.79 degree
d. 35.67 degree, 47.55 degree
11) Damping torque is the torque which acts on
a. Stationary system of the instrument
b. Moving system of the instrument only when it is stationary
c. Moving system of the instrument only when it is moving
d. Stationary system of the instrument only when the moving system is moving
Related Ques
ANSWER: Moving system of the instrument only when it is moving
Explanation: No explanation is available for this question!
12) Induction type instruments are generally used as
a. Ammeter
b. Voltmeter
c. Wattmeter
d. All of these
e. None of these
13) A cylindrical type with split phase winding induction ammeters employs
a. A rotating disc
b. A hollow aluminium drum
c. A single flux producing winding
d. Either (a) or (b)
14) In induction voltmeter, split phase windings are obtained by connecting a
a. High resistances in series with windings of both the magnets
b. High resistance in series with the winding of one magnet and an inductive coil in series with the windings of other magnet
c. An inductive coil in series with the winding of one magnet and a capacitance in series with the windings of other magnet
d. Inductive coils in series with the winding of both the magnets
Related Ques
ANSWER: High resistance in series with the winding of one magnet and an inductive coil in series with the windings of other magnet
Explanation: No explanation is available for this question!
15) For reducing the errors in an induction instrument the alternating current to be measured has
a. Same frequency with which the instrument was calibrated
b. High frequency compared with which the instrument was calibrated
c. Low frequency compared with which the instrument was calibrated
d. None of these
Related Ques
ANSWER: Same frequency with which the instrument was calibrated
Explanation: No explanation is available for this question!
16) The frequency errors in induction instruments can be compensated by the use of
a. Non inductive shunt in both ammeters and voltmeters
b. Non inductive shunt in case of ammeters and are generally self compensated in case of voltmeters
c. Self compensated in case of both ammeters and voltmeters
d. Self compensated in case of ammeters and non inductive shunt in case of voltmeters
Related Ques
ANSWER: Non inductive shunt in case of ammeters and are generally self compensated in case of voltmeters
Explanation: No explanation is available for this question!
17) The temperature errors in induction instruments can be compensated by
a. Hunting in both ammeters and voltmeters
b. Combination of shunt and swamping resistance in both ammeters and voltmeters
c. Hunting in case of ammeters and Combination of shunt and swamping resistance in case of voltmeters
d. Combination of shunt and swamping resistance in case of ammeters and hunting in case of voltmeters
Related Ques
ANSWER: Hunting in case of ammeters and Combination of shunt and swamping resistance in case of voltmeters
Explanation: No explanation is available for this question!
18) Which among the following is not true about the induction instruments?
a. It can be used for ac measurements only
b. Damping is very efficient in case of induction instruments
c. Compensation for frequency temperature is not required
d. Cost is relatively high
Related Ques
ANSWER: Compensation for frequency temperature is not required
Explanation: No explanation is available for this question!
19) In a moving coil of a meter swamping resistance is added to
a. Reduce the frequency error
b. Reduce the temperature error
c. Reduce the power consumption
d. All of these
20) Swamping resistance is a resistance made up of
a. Alloy of manganin and copper
b. Alloy of aluminium and copper
c. Alloy of nickel and cobalt
d. Alloy of manganin and aluminium
21) For the measurement of low resistances, Kelvin’s double bridge has high accuracy because
a. It has two set of ratio arms which eliminates effect of resistance of connecting lead
b. It has a null indicating galvanometer
c. It has two null indicator
d. It has four sets of ratio arms which eliminates the effect of resistance of connecting lead
Related Ques
ANSWER: It has two set of ratio arms which eliminates effect of resistance of connecting lead
Explanation: No explanation is available for this question!
22) For the measurement of low resistances from few ohms down to one micro ohm, which of the following instrument is not suitable?
a. Potentiometer method
b. Ammeter – voltmeter method
c. Ohmmeter
d. Kelvin double bridge method
23) In a slide wire potentiometer, for a voltage source of 1.012 V the jockey is kept at 101.2 cm. If the potentiometer has 20 wires of 1 m each and the resistance of wires is 800 ohm, then the value of the working current is
a. 15 mA
b. 20 mA
c. 25 mA
d. 27 mA
24) The Wien’s bridges is suitable for the measurement of frequency of the range of
a. Less than 100 Hz
b. 100 Hz to 100 kHz
c. 1 kHz to 100 MHz
d. More than 100 MHz
25) For the measurement of unknown inductance in terms of known capacitance, the suitable ac bridges are
a. Maxwell and Schering bridge
b. Maxwell and Wien’s bridge
c. Maxwell and Hay’s bridge
d. Hay’s and Wien’s bridge
26) If a capacitor is connected across a portion of resistance of multiplier of the wattmeter then the pressure coil of the circuit becomes
a. Inductive
b. Non inductive
c. Capacitive
d. Non capacitive
27) The two wattmeters used for the measurement of power input read 50 kW each. What will be the readings of the two wattmeters if the power factor is changed to 0.8 leading keeping the total input power same?
a. 28.35W, 71.65W
b. 31.25W, 73.71W
c. 33.33W, 73.33W
d. 38.35W, 75.5W
28) Ballistic galvanometer are principally used for the measurement of
a. Current
b. Voltage
c. Power
d. Electric charges
29) Vibration galvanometer are generally used
a. For measuring electric charges
b. As null - point detectors in ac bridges
c. As null - point detectors in dc bridges
d. For measuring power
30) The meter of a vibrating reed frequency meter depends for its indications on the
a. Electrical resonance of thin flat steel reeds
b. Mechanical resonance of thin flat steel reeds
c. Mechanical resonance of thick flat steel reeds
d. Electrical resonance of thick flat steel reeds
Related Ques
ANSWER: Mechanical resonance of thin flat steel reeds
Explanation: No explanation is available for this question!
31) The potential transformers are used to measure large voltage using
a. High range voltmeter
b. Low range voltmeter
c. High range ammeter
d. Low range ammeter
32) If an instrument transformer is used to extend the ranges of AC instrument, then its reading will depend on
a. R
b. L
c. C
d. All of these
e. None of these
33) If the displacement is measured with strain gauge then the number of strain gauge normally required are
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
34) A capacitive pressure sensor has a typical measurement uncertainty of
a. ± 0.2%
b. ± 0.4%
c. ± 0.1%
d. ± 0.8%
35) The instruments used for the measurement of pressure is / are
a. Bellows
b. Diaphragms
c. Fiber optic pressure sensors
d. All of these
e. None of the above
36) LVDT which is an instrument for the measurement of displacement, works on the principal of
a. Linear inductance
b. Non - linear inductance
c. Mutual inductance
d. Linear capacitance
37) In rotary variable differential transformer, the mutual inductance between the primary and secondary coils varies
a. Linearly with the angular displacement
b. Non - linearly with the angular displacement
c. Linearly with the linear displacement
d. Non - linearly with the linear displacement
38) Resolver works on the principal of mutual inductance variation. It is mainly used for the measurement of
a. Linear displacement
b. Non - linear displacement
c. Rotary motion
d. All of these
39) In light emitting diode, the available light emitting region is
a. Less than 2.5 mm
b. From 2.5 to 25 mm
c. Greater than 25 mm
d. Greater than 50 mm
40) In liquid crystal displays, the liquid crystal exhibits properties of
a. Liquid
b. Solids
c. Gases
d. Both (a) and (b)