1) Which of the following statements is/are correct about Animal Welfare Board of India?
1. It is a statutory body. 2. It is under ministry of Food and Agriculture.
a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both
d. None
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ANSWER: Only 1
Explanation: - The Animal Welfare Board of India was established in 1960 under Section 4 of The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,1960. - Well known Bharat Natyam dancer Rukmini Devi Arundale was instrumental in setting up the board and was its first chairperson. - Previously it was under ministry of Food and Agriculture but later shifted to Ministry of Environment and Forests. - Through various reports, affidavits and photographs, the AWBI has argued that Jallikattu bulls are physically and mentally tortured for the pleasure and enjoyment of human beings.
2) Which of the following are freedoms of animals identified by SC?
1. Freedom from hunger, thirst and malnutrition 2. Freedom from fear and distress 3. Freedom from physical and thermal discomfort 4. Freedom from pain, injury and disease 5. Freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour.
a. 1,4,5
b. 1,2,3
c. 1,5
d. All
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Explanation: - The SC order identified “the five freedoms” of animals, including freedom from hunger, thirst and malnutrition, freedom from fear and distress, freedom from physical and thermal discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, and freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour. - The ban on Jallikattu was imposed by SC as it violated provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960; fundamental duty Article 51A (g): compassion towards animal; Article 21 (Right to Life), which prohibits any disturbance to the environment, including animals as it is considered essential for human life.
3) Which of the following statements is/are correct about new IMD norms?
1. Forecasts of heat and cold waves over a sub-division will be issued only if at least two stations in the sub-division are expected to experience such conditions 2. Heat wave is declared when temperatures are greater than 4.50C above usual temperatures for the region.
a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both
d. None
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Explanation: Forecasts of heat and cold waves over a sub-division will be issued only if at least two stations in the sub-division are expected to experience such conditions Heat wave: Temperatures are greater than 4.50C above usual temperatures for the region. Severe heat wave: Temperatures are greater than or equal to 470C. Cold wave: Temperatures are less than 4.50C above usual temperatures for the region. Severe cold wave: Temperatures are less than 20C
4) Which committee was appointed by government appointed to suggest amendments to the Defense Procurement Procedure 2013?
a. Dhiraj Singh
b. V.K. Singh
c. Dhirendra Singh
d. Subir Gokarn
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ANSWER: Dhirendra Singh
Explanation: - The committee of experts headed by former Home Secretary Dhirendra Singh, appointed to suggest amendments to the Defence Procurement Procedure 2013, submitted its report on July 23. - Based on it's recommendations, DAC approved major changes in Defence Procurement Procedure which are 1. Increase in the offset baseline from Rs 300 crore to Rs 2,000 crore. 2. The DPP will also have a new category of Indigenously Designed Developed and Manufactured (IDMM) as the most preferred category for procurements. 3. Under IDDM, there will be two sub-categories one with mandatory 40 percent domestic content for a domestic design. 4. Government will fund upto 90% for private R&D for building a defense technology base
5) Cecil B. DeMille Award is related to -
a. Literature
b. Social services
c. Enviornment
d. Entertainment
ANSWER: Entertainment
Explanation: - The Cecil B. DeMille Award is an honorary Golden Globe Award bestowed by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. - It is given for outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment. - Denzel Washington was awarded with Cecil B. DeMille Award of Golden Globe.
6) World's Parliament of Religions of 1893 in which Swami Vivekanand participated was held at -
a. Boston
b. New York
c. New Orleans
d. Chicago
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ANSWER: Chicago
Explanation: - The Parliament of the World's Religions opened on 11 September 1893 at the Art Institute of Chicago as part of the World's Columbian Exposition. - It marked the first organised gathering of representatives of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. - Swami Vivekanand's birthday is celebrated as National Youth Day in India.
7) Indian Meteorological Department is agency of -
a. Ministry of Environment
b. Ministry of Agriculture
c. Ministry of Science
d. Ministry of Earth science
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ANSWER: Ministry of Earth science
Explanation: - Indian Meteorological Department is the principal agency responsible for meteorological observations, weather forecasting and seismology. - It is headquartered in New Delhi and operates hundreds of observation stations across India and Antarctica. - IMD is one of the 6 worldwide Regional Specialised Meteorological Centres of the Tropical Cyclone Programme of the World Weather Watch of the World Meteorological Organization. - It is regional nodal agency for forecasting, naming and disseminating warnings about tropical cyclone in the Indian Ocean north of the Equator.