Spot the error in Prepositions - Rules, examples and practice questions

1)   Read each sentence given below and find out whether there is an error in it. The error, if any will be one of the parts of the sentence. If there is no error, the answer will be (5) i.e. No error. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

The mother brought the chocolates (1) / and distributed them (2) / between her (3) / five children. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘between’ with ‘among’

Among is used for more than two persons or things. Between is used only for two.

The correct sentence should be: The mother brought the chocolates and distributed them among her five children.


Distribute these sweets among the poor.
Distribute these books between Ram and Seema.

2)   They walked (1) / besides each other (2) / in complete (3) / silence. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘besides’ with ‘beside’

Beside means by the side of. Besides means ‘in addition to.’

The correct sentence should be: They walked beside each other in complete silence.


The son was sitting beside his father.
Besides his relatives, he invited his friends also.

3)   His mentor, (1) / Rana Keshav was (2) / blind within (3) / one eye. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘within’ with ‘in’

The correct expression should be ‘blind in one eye’

The correct sentence should be: His mentor, Rana Keshav was blind in one eye.

General use of In, Within

‘In’, means at the expiry of a time-period in future;

within means before the expiry of a time-period in any tense.

Example: He will return in a week.
I will finish my work within a week.

4)   None could (1) / dare to encroach (2) / on his (3) / rights. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘on’ by ‘upon’ The verb ‘encroach’ takes ‘upon’ after it.

The correct sentence should be: None could dare to encroach upon his rights.

General Use of On, Upon

On is for things at rest; Upon is used for things in motion.

Example: He is sitting on the floor,
The cat sprang upon the table.

5)   She was taken with (1) / surprise when she saw (2) / the famous (3) / Taj Mahal. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘with’ with ‘by’

With denotes the instrument or thing with which something is done. By denotes that agent or doer.

The correct sentence should be: She was taken by surprise when she saw the famous Taj Mahal.

Example: Ravana was killed by Ram with an arrow.

He beat the dog with a stick.

He shall reach here by four o’clock.

‘By’ is also used in future tense to express time up to the last stage.

6)   It is not possible (1) / to exchange the goods (2) / once the sale has (3) / been completed. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘once’ with ‘after’

‘After’ means at the end of period of time in the past.

The correct sentence should be: It is not possible to exchange the goods after the sale has been completed.

Use of After, In

‘After’ means at the end of period of time in the past, whereas, ‘In’ means at the end of a period of time in future.

Example: I shall return your things in a week.
She returned the book after a week.

7)   Dr. Mehta has been (1) / trying to develop (2) /a medicine (3) / for last five years. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘for’ with ‘since’

‘For’ is used before a noun denoting a period of time with all the tenses.

‘Since’ is used before a noun or phrase denoting some point of time in the past.

The correct sentence should be: Dr. Mehta has been trying to develop a medicine since last five years.

Use of For, Since, From

‘For’ is used before a noun denoting a period of time with all the tenses.

‘From’ is used before a noun or phrase denoting a point of time, it is used in all tenses.

From is generally followed by ‘to’ or ‘till’.

Since’ is used before a noun or phrase denoting some point of time and is always preceded by a verb in perfect continuous tense or third form of verb.


Use of ‘For’

They have been playing cards for three hours.

He has lived in Pune for five years.

Use of ‘From’

We play from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

She stayed here from the 20th of March to the 25th of April.

Use of ‘Since’

I have been studying since morning.
He has not heard from his father since 1972.

8)   A woman who always (1) / connives on the (2) / faults of her children (3) / is their worst enemy. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘on’ with ‘at’
The verb ‘connives’ takes the preposition ‘at’ after it.

The correct sentence should be: A woman who always connives at the faults of her children is their worst enemy.

Uses of At, In, On

‘At’ is used as follows:

  • At is used with small towns and villages

  • e.g. He was born at Ramgarh.
    He lives at village Konda.

  • ‘At’ is used before a noun denoting a definite point of time.
    e.g. She called on me at 8 p.m. yesterday.

    ‘In’ is used as follows:

  • ‘In’ is used with the names of big cities, provinces and countries.
    e.g. His father lives in England.
    His younger brother lives in Kolkata.

  • ‘In’ is used before the names of months and years.
    e.g. His sister was born in 1993 in month of December.

    ‘On’ is used with dates and names of days.

    e.g. I joined college on the 25th May.
    I shall leave for Mumbai on Wednesday.

9)   The top-ranking candidates (1) / will be appointed in (2) / senior jobs (3) / in Banks. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘in’ with ‘to’

The correct expression should be ‘appointed to’

The correct sentence should be: The top-ranking candidates will be appointed to senior jobs in Banks.

Use of In, Into, To

‘In’ expresses Rest or Motion inside anything.

‘Into’ expresses Motion towards the inside of anything or change from one medium to another.

‘To’ denotes motion from one place to another.

Example: The girls are in the room.

Translate this passage from English into Hindi.
Every evening she goes to the Church.

10)   She knows very well (1)  / what is expected from her  (2) / but she is unable  (3) / to perform. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘from’ with ‘of’

‘Of’ shows cause, source, quality, separation, possession etc.

The correct expression should be ‘expected of her’

The correct sentence should be: She knows very well what is expected of her but she is unable to perform.

Use of By, Off, Of, Till

Till means upto or not earlier than.

By means not later than.

Off shows separation at a near distance, and detached condition.

Of shows cause, source, quality, separation, contents, possession, apposition, point of reference, space in time etc.


He shall work till 5 a.m.

By this time tomorrow, I’ll have finished the project.

Use of ‘Of’

Mohan died of cancer. (cause)

That pen is made of gold. (source)

He presented me a bottle of wine. (contents)

She was deprived of her purse. (separation)

She came back within an hour of appointed time. (space in time)

My house is off the road. (separated from the main road by a short distance)

The glass fell off the table. (detached)

11)   They will put on (1) / a note in this (2) / regard for (3) / your consideration. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘on’ with ‘up’

The correct expression should be ‘put up’

The correct sentence should be: They will put up a note in this regard for your consideration.

12)   Children always (1)  / quarrel above (2) / petty issues. (3) / No Error (4)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘above’ with ‘over’

‘Above’ means higher from’

Here, the correct preposition to be used should be ‘quarrel over’

The correct sentence should be: Children always quarrel over petty issues.

Use of Over, Above

Above means ‘higher from’

e.g. He’s above stealing.

For explanation, see the sentence above.

They flew above the clouds.

‘Over’ is used in the following ways:

  • In the sense of ‘beyond’

    She cannot get over her disappointment.

  • In the sense of ‘above’

    At noon, sun is over our heads.

  • In the sense of ’superiority’

    God over all blesses for ever more.

  • In the sense of ‘conclusion’
    It is all over with them.

13)   After opening the door (1)  / we entered into (2) / the room (3) / next to the balcony. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Remove ‘into’

The verb ‘enter’ does not take preposition ‘into’

The correct expression should be ‘entered the room’

The correct sentence should be: After opening the door we entered the room next to the balcony.

14)   Most of the UP (1)  / is a fertile plain (2) / between which (3) / the river Ganga flows. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘between’ with ‘through’

The correct preposition to use should be ‘through’ i.e. ‘plain through which the river Ganga flows’

The correct sentence should be: Most of the UP is a fertile plain through which the river Ganga flows.

15)   He freed himself (1)  / from the burglar’s hold (2) /and ran on (3) / the road.(4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘on’ with ‘across’

The correct expression should be ‘across the road’

The correct sentence should be: He freed himself from the burglar’s hold and ran across the road.

16)   Having come to Mumbai (1)  / he had found that there (2) / was nothing pessimistic (3) / in people. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘in’ with ‘about’

The correct phrase to use should be ‘about people’

The correct sentence should be: Having come to Mumbai he had found that there was nothing pessimistic about people.

17)   Although the pain (1)  / was behind (2) / his capacity (3) / yet he didn’t complain. (4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘behind’ with ‘beyond’

‘Beyond’ conveys at or more than the limit or threshold.

The correct sentence should be: Although the pain was beyond his capacity yet he didn’t complain.

18)   Several prominent celebrities (1)  / involved in the scandal (2) / are required to appear (3) / to the investigation committee.(4) / No Error (5)

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer  Explanation 


Replace ‘to’ with ‘before’

The correct expression to use should be ‘appear before,’ not ‘appear to’

The correct sentence should be: Several prominent celebrities involved in the scandal are required to appear before the investigation committee.