Superhenge - Current Affairs Questions and Answers

1)   Recently, a super henge and massive Neolithic stone monument has been located around 3 kms from Stonehenge. In which area has this discovery been made?

a. Durrington Walls
b. Shropshire
c. Surrey
d. Sussex
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Durrington Walls

Durrington Walls is home to the Stonehenge and it is the venue of the discovery of large Neolithic stone monuments or superhenge which are 90 large standing stones that dwarf the Stonehenge. This structure is thought to have been created 4500 years ago. The stones some of which have been measuring 4.5 m in height, have been underground for centuries. The new stone monuments discovered include 17 priorly unknown ritual monuments. Non invasive X ray and remote sensing technologies have been used to explore this new discovery.